
About the author

Roy Luna: Roy Luna is a retired French professor who dabbles in the arts, tinkers with music, reads heavily in fiction and history, but does not neglect biographies or science. His main efforts these days are devoted to writing a trilogy of novels based on events occurring during the years between the death of Voltaire (1778) and the French Revolution (1789-94), years rich in both enlightened human progress and dark, evil terror. Three times a week he volunteers at Dunbar Old Books, making sure orphaned books find their way to other readers. His library at home may have surpassed the 10,000 mark, and he valiantly tries to read them all… The one important thing to retain about Roy is his horror at the sins, the injustice, the atrocities, the crimes against humanity that are perpetrated and justified in the name of religion. Any belief system that condones such savagery has discarded its humanity, abandoned its compassion, and forsaken its principles of empathy, tolerance and love of one’s neighbor.

Sex in the Stacks

So, what did Diderot mean by calling his thoughts harlots? That his thoughts were immoral? That his notions were wicked? That his ideas were depraved? That his dissolute mind was spewing forth figments of shameful introspection, or meditation that was wanton and promiscuous? If you think like this, you must be a speaker of English.

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René Maran: Inter Mundos

«Batouala» is indeed a phenomenal piece of art, a modern novel with a narrative voice devoid of an overt agenda, free of militancy, a dry-eyed, clear-eyed, direct and objective glance into a society displaced, dislocated from its traditional moorings, and redirected according to the whims of a master race who has only its primacy as its objective.

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Death in the Neighborhood

It’s true that I have always been partial to cemeteries. Every time I go to Boston and New Orleans I never fail to visit their cemeteries. In Paris I devote a whole afternoon to a picnic at the Cimetière Père Lachaise, surrounded by celebrities, to seek inspiration from some of my favorite writers, poets, artists and musicians…

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The Keeping of Chickens

I am aware that contributors to this part of the Solution Hole Press dot com Internet site should stick close to the heart of the matter, the solution hole metaphor, but I want to speak about a matter of the heart—keeping chickens in my back yard—and, I promise, I will…

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